
Batch Reports by Command Line

Disk Space

You can enable DiskState to dump an ASCII report of your disk space and exit. Start DiskState from the command line with the argument "/dumpstate". Example:

C:\Program Files\DiskState.exe /dumpstate [file]

The [file] is optional and specifies the path and file name of the report to be generated. If omitted, a file called DSOutput.txt is created in the current folder.

This way, you can make DiskState generate ASCII reports. You can email these reports on a daily basis so that you know the disk space status of servers and so forth at all times.

Example: DiskState /dumpstate D:\mySpaceReport.txt will generate a report called mySpaceReport.txt on D:.

Duplicate Files

DiskState is good for finding duplicates. It can be asked to do this by the command line, too. Simply start DiskState from the command line with the argument "/dupes". Example:

C:\Program Files\DiskState.exe /dupes path,path,... [file]

The start paths for the duplicate search are given by path. Separate multiple start paths by a comma.

The [file] is optional and specifies the path an file name of the report to be generated. If omitted, a file called DSOutput.txt is created in the current folder.

Example: DiskState /dupes C:\Src,F: D:\myDupesReport.txt will generate a report called myDupesReport.txt on D:. The content of this file is a duplicate file listing of the C:\Src and F:\ folders.