
Rules: Volume Cleanup

You can customize the cleanup rules DiskState is set to use on your volumes if you want to. Go to the "DiskClean" tab of the settings. Here you can create, edit, delete and restore default rules of cleanup.

Equally important, you can enable and disable rules as you see fit. By default, DiskState does not use all the predefined rules.

You can also select exclude rules for the volume cleanup:

Create new rule

Adding a new rule is easy. Enter a describing name of the rule to add, e.g. "Old ini files (*.---)" without the quotes. Next, enter the regular expression that goes along with it. This may be the hardest part. As in our example here, we want all file names ending with the extension ---. The regexp would then be .*\.---$. We recommend reading the brief note on regexps to understand why. Then we select if this rule should apply to file, folder names or both and click "Set" to finish the rule creation.

These rules are stored in an INI file called Clean.ini if you want to edit this manually. The format of this file is explained in the top of this file. It normally resides in the DiskState folder.